Child Cobalt Miners File Response in Opposition to Tech Companies' Motion to Dismiss
John Doe 3 and the 14 other Plaintiffs in the case filed their brief in opposition to Apple, Tesla, Google, Dell and Microsoft’s motion to dismiss the case. The Plaintiffs were outraged to see that the companies do not dispute that the children were killed or maimed while mining cobalt for Glencore and Huayou, who supply to these tech companies. Instead, these giant, powerful companies claim they can’t really control what the mining companies do. The Plaintiffs show in their response that this is both legal and factual nonsense. These extremely wealthy companies have a legal duty and the ability to enforce their own policies against child labor in their supply chains. They won’t stop until we make them stop. Please help us do that. Please donate today.
Attached below is the brief in opposition to the joint motion to dismiss.